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What happens when your Facebook Ads get Rejected?

 As business owners marketing on Facebook, we all know the absolute pit-in-your-stomach dread that is experienced when we get that little red triangle with a white exclamation mark… Your Facebook Ads have been rejected. 

Let’s break it down.

Facebook will first freeze your ad campaign until the issue is addressed or the account is terminated. They will then notify you via email with a link to Account Quality. This link will lead you to the page on the left, where they will explain the reasons for the rejection. 

Here is a list of possible reasons for your ads being disabled:

1)Overspending: If Facebook feels that your Ad spend is higher than usual or a very large amount on one Ad; The account will be disabled under the suspicion of fraud to protect the account from further loss. 

2) Logging in from a different I.P. Address: If you log into your Facebook account from another device, Facebook might con construe this as attempted fraud on your account and will disable your account. 

3)Multiple Users on your Ad Account: Although you can have multiple users on an Ad Account, they do have the potential to get the account disabled if their personal Ads get disabled. Facebook will disable the account by association. 

4)Late Payments: If you are continuously late in making your payments, Facebook will deem the account unreliable and disable the account. 

5)Indirect Landing Page: The Ads landing page should correspond with the information the Ad is listing. This includes having a similar logo, business name, and other pertinent information regarding the business. If they do not match or align, the account will get disabled. 

6)Same Payment method for multiple Ads Accounts: Facebook will track your card or payment information and will potentially flag the account if that payment method was used on a pre-existing account that was banned in the past. 

7)Lacking Facebook Confidentiality: This happens when an Ad is used to sell contacts/ client base to another company. Which goes against the Facebook’s intended use of an Ad. 

8) Ads that do not follow Facebook guidelines: If the Ad conflicts with Facebook Community Standards, Facebook’s Terms of Service or Facebook’s Advertising Policies, could lead to the flag on the account. This will is biggest and primary reason for your ads getting disabled. 

 9)Flagged after an Ad has been running for a while: When an Ad is flagged after it’s been running for a while could be attributed the the amount of times the algorithm picks up the Ad and Facebook users then flag the Ad. Facebook Users can also deem the content irrelevant, give negative feedback, a Facebook representative finds a violation, and any policy or program updates. 

Facebook has enlisted some Advertising Policies to provide their users with a guideline of what content is permitted.

Here are the top 10 policies prohibited by Facebook:

  1. Community Standards: Since Facebook is a platform that is available globally, they acknowledge the diverse users on the platform itself. Their goal is to ensure that different views, beliefs, public safety, and human rights should be monitored and not overlooked. Facebook offers a voice for everyone!
  2. Illegal Products or Service:  Promoting prohibited products, services, targeting minors, inappropriate, or illegal content with render the ad disabled. 
  3. Discriminatory Practices: Ads must abstain from discriminating  or encouraging the discrimination of a person or group based on race, religion, ethnicity, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, medical condition, family, and disability. 
  4. Tobacco and Related Products: Avoid promoting tobacco products, paraphernalia, and imagery of simulated smoking. 
  5. Unsafe Substances: The promotion or sale of recreational drugs, substances, and products is prohibited by Facebook. 

6. Weapons, Ammunition, and Explosives: Graphic heavy content that includes imagery of weapons, violence, or weapon modification will cause the account to be disabled. For Martial Arts that include weapons combat, be mindful of the images used, weapons or aggressive content can disable your ad. 

7. Adult Products and Services: Products or services regarding Adult products have to be targeted to age groups ages 18 and up. Mention of or focus of sexual pleasure will disable the ad. 

8. Adult Content: This would include nudity, explicit imagery, or provocative gestures are not permitted on the platform. 

9. Third-Party Infringement: Be mindful of copyright infringement when including videos with music from other artist in the background. 

10. Sensational Content: This is based on shock value. If an image or video is excessively violent, Facebook will flag it. 

Flagged content isn’t always present in the ad copy, image or video. If your lead form questions violate Facebooks policy, then it could lead to your Facebook Ads getting rejected. 

Here are the top 5 primary lead form questions prohibited by Facebook:

1)Account Numbers: personal consumer financial information such as credit card numbers and account information cannot be requested.

2)Criminal History: Without prior permission, a criminal history/background cannot be requested. 

3)Financial Information: This encompasses credit card numbers, bank account information, credit scores, net worth, and debt is not tolerated by Facebook. 

4)Government Issue Identifiers: Cannot request Social Security numbers or I.D. information without prior permission. 

5)Health Information: Any information that violates Hippa Law (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts of  1996. 

Similar to Facebook Ads Policy, the following information is prohibited from being requested in your ad forms: Political Affiliation, Race or Ethnicity, Insurance Information, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and usernames/passwords. 

What Happens Next?

 Once of reason is established for the Ad being disabled, you can then Edit or Create a new Ad. You have the option to request a review for another opinion. If you feel that your Ad has not violated any policies you can request another review on Account Quality. One you’ve submitted your Request Review, you can track the status of the request through Account Quality. If the review is overturned, the Ads will go back to being active. If the decision remains to keep the Ad disabled, then the Ad will remain disabled and another review can no longer be requested. 

How to contact Facebook Business Help Center:

 If scroll down to the bottom of the Business Help Center page, you will see a button that says “Get Started.”

 There you will have the option to speak to a Facebook live representative. 

What to focus on when running Facebook Ads?

  • Always check your Facebook Ads daily to monitor Ad spend and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. 
  • Have 2-Step authentication enabled for anyone associated with your Facebook Ads Manager to ensure your account is secure. 
  • If the account is disabled, investigate why by visiting Account Quality. 
  • If a clear reason cannot be found, you can appeal the rejection and ask for a secondary opinion. 
  • And if all else fails, you can contact a Facebook live representative through the Facebook Business Help Center

We Know the battle with Facebook is always happening and sometimes you just want it off your plate altogether. If you are looking for a partner in marketing, hop on a FREE Marketing Audit with our team to see how Grow Pro Agency can help you and your Martial Arts School’s Marketing Strategy thrive. 

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Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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