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How To Create an Offer that Sells

As business owners, we all want an offer that sells.

Which is why we are breaking down a question that clients ask us all the time: “What should my offer be?”

While it seems like a simple decision, the offer you decide can make or break your marketing strategy’s success, and by extension, your school. 

Listen, we cannot decide for you, but we often provide our tips on creating an offer people want to buy based on months of research, analyzing data, and running ads for over 200 school owners. 

Before we break down our best advice for creating an offer that sells, let’s look at the basics.

What is an Offer? 

Before we provide three tips for crafting a great offer people want to buy, let’s clarify what an offer actually is.

When referring to an offer, we mean what deal you will offer a new lead to get them in the door. Whether this is a free trial of any length or a paid trial, all of these are considered offers. 

 While you may have an offer in mind, it may not be what people want. When you are crafting an offer, the main thing to consider is what your potential new student will think. 

Step In Your Potential Customer’s Shoes

If you were in your prospect’s shoes, someone who knows little to nothing about martial arts but may want to try it out, what would motivate you to buy?

For example, as martial artists, we know that gear and uniforms are expensive. However, the average person doesn’t realize the high cost when they want to try it out. 

Therefore, an offer just about free gear or a free uniform will not motivate your audience to buy because they do not see the value in that offer or deal. 

Here are our three tips on how to create a fantastic offer that sells- even to someone who knows nothing about martial arts would want to buy:

1. Choose Whether it’s a Free or Paid Offer

If you knew nothing about martial arts and were not sure if you would like it, would you rather try it for free? Or pay to try it?

Generally speaking, free offers tend to perform better than paid offers. Whether it’s a free class, free week, or free month, we see these offers generate our clients the best results. 


Because it has no barrier to entry. Anybody and everybody can do a free class. 

However, paid trials can be useful under certain circumstances. 

It must be a very low barrier to entry or low price. It needs to seem like a good deal, not just to you but to someone who is not familiar with how much martial arts may cost. 

You have to consider how much money a person is willing to spend without knowing anything about the business. Would you spend $200 on something you saw in one Facebook ad? 

Probably not. 

But $20? Now that’s more reasonable.

While paid offers typically generate fewer leads, the leads tend to be of higher quality. 

However, would you rather fish out of a pond or out of the ocean? You get more opportunities with more water, and it is the same with offers. Generally speaking, the more leads you get, the more chances for a new student.

Generally speaking, the more leads you get, the more chances for a new student. If you need more help getting leads- we would love to give you a FREE marketing audit.

2. Don’t Make it Too Complicated

Throughout our time running ads, we’ve found that the offers that sell are usually also the ones that generate the highest number of leads.

And more importantly— they are usually simple. 

Whether it’s a free class, a free 1-on-1, or a simple paid trial, THESE are the campaigns that consistently generate good results. 

The longer it takes to explain your offer, the less appealing it is to a prospect. It takes longer to explain in the ad copy, and it takes more time for the lead to understand. 

If you can simplify the offer, we recommend doing so. Make sure the offer is clear and concise for all potential students.  

3. If it works, do not change it.

Facebook ads are a lot of trial and error. If something is not working, we change our approach to find a way that it will. 

However, when the ads are working and generating leads, the best course of action is to leave them as-is. 

If we make changes to the offer or ads, this restarts the Learning process for Facebook to figure out its audience and get results. 

That’s why we recommend sticking with a simple, free offer as your base campaign to maintain a consistent stream of leads. 

Final Thoughts

While these three tips will certainly help, they only scratch the surface of everything you can do to make your offer irresistible. 

That is why, on February 23 at noon EST, our Founder and CEO, Cris Rodriguez, will be hosting a free webinar! In it, she will unpack the 8 steps you should take when creating your School’s Irresistible Offer that converts. Whether you are a fan of Free Offers or Paid Offers, this 8 step process will allow you to put together an offer that SELLS! 

In the webinar, she will discuss:

• Free vs. Paid Offers – Everything you need to know to choose the path that works best for you and your school

• Pricing Strategy – Learn sales psychology that helps you showcase your offer’s value to your prospects. 

• Dominate your local market – We will break down how to use your offer to dominate your local market for Martial Arts Classes in your area. 

Reserve your spot by clicking the link below!

Grow Pro

Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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