New customers won’t help your business scale.
Sure, they will buy from you and help you meet revenue targets at one point.
But if it’s a one-time purchase or partnership, they won’t really contribute much to the growth of your business.
It’s why you shouldn’t exhaust all your efforts in getting new clients.
Instead, while you’re trying to get new leads…
Keep building stable and trusting customer relationships.
If the majority of your business comes from repeat customers, you get a more stable and consistent stream of revenue.
What happens if you get more repeat business?
First of all, you don’t have to spend on marketing costs. After all, they already know about you.
It’ll also improve your brand value. Because if people know that you have a lot of repeat customers, it’s a great testimony of how awesome your service can be.
After all, if your service is bad, why would your customers keep coming back?
But how can you ensure you get more repeat customers?
Through relationship marketing.
And there are two ways you can get this started.
1 – Improve customer experience
Customer experience is the foundation of relationship marketing. There’s nothing to build on if you don’t provide a positive customer experience, to begin with.

Even if you give them a huge discount on their next project, or a freebie or gift, they won’t take it if their experience is really bad.
And do you know what makes that worse?
You don’t just lose that customer, you also lose their referrals. They might even leave bad reviews about your business.
Remember, the main reason why you’re in business is to serve your customers.
If they’re not satisfied with the service you provide, what’s the point of doing business?
So, always make sure your customer experience is on point.
2 – Express appreciation to customers
If you’ve got the positive customer experience down, you can take it one step further.
Show your appreciation.
Make sure your “thank you” is part of the whole process.
It doesn’t matter if you do it via text, a call, or an email. What matters more is you reach out to them sincerely.
Don’t make them feel like they’re just a cash machine.

Follow up and show them you’re available for them. Make them feel like you have their best interest in mind.
Is this something you can implement in your martial arts school?
There’s more to relationship marketing than these two.
If you want to know more about it, let’s schedule a time to chat.
Get started by going to https://growproagency.com/survey/.