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Increase Sales: How Martial Arts Schools Turn Leads Into Sales

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As a Martial Arts School Owner, one question is asked more than any other: How do I get more students?

Although retention is important, we are always looking to increase sales in our martial arts school.

But how do we scale our sales process for our staff?

With both a Martial Arts School and a 7-Figure Marketing Agency under her belt, we have learned from the best- Cris Rodriguez.

We have spent years getting the sales process right through training, reading, and- well- selling.

So we want to share what we’ve learned.

I'm a closer. I close. Increase Sales gif
Sell! Sell! Sell! Increase Sales Gif
Daoll Dolla Bills, Y'all. Increase Sales Gif

We want this blog to cover the sales process start to finish.

Sales doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, it should be a way to share the passion you have for martial arts.

We want to teach the basic ways to increase sales.

So let’s break down how we turn leads into sales.

Build the Right Offer to Get Them in your Door

Online Advertising is not new. We see it all the time.

It is so prevalent, it has become one of the main ways our industry targets and markets.

So why, when it comes to marketing, do we always get tripped up on offers?

We see offers EVERY DAY!

The easiest way to come up with an offer to increase sales is by stepping onto the other side of the screen.

Ask yourself 2 questions:


  1. When you are scrolling through your feed, what offers do you stop on?


  2. What offers do you think your students and students’ parents would care about?

That is where you start.

Your sales will increase when you can offer a prospect a deal so enticing that it would be dumb to turn down the value.

There are 2 more tips for building an offer to increase sales.

The first is to use a method called Price Anchoring.

Price anchoring is a pricing strategy that plays on buyers’ inherent tendency to rely heavily on a piece of initial information to guide subsequent decisions.

The second tip to building an offer to increase sales is to make it easy to understand.

This means if you can’t explain it in one sentence, it’s not good.

Some of the most successful offers we see from our #PartnersInMarketing include:

  • 30 days FREE
  • 1 Week FREE Trial
  • 2 Weeks for $29
  • 4 Weeks for $49

So how does this work together?

As an example, if your martial arts program is a $500 value with a uniform.

Your audience is parents looking for a healthy activity for their kids that won’t break the bank while they are trying it out.

Then a good offer written well might be something like:

“Our program is a healthy way for kids to have fun while getting active. Usually a $500 total value, we are offering 2 Weeks for $29 and a FREE Uniform for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.”

Now that is enticing. But don’t just take it from us…

Watch this if you still need convincing.⬆️

We aren’t the only ones who live by offers… take it from the Offer King himself, Alex Hormozi!
Alex Hormozi is known for his sales game and his irresistible offers (he even has a book on it)
Make an offer that is so good people would feel stupid for saying no- it makes increasing sales that much easier.

Your Fortune is in Your Follow-up

Now that we have the right offer to get people in your doors we need to do the follow-up.

We know follow-up for a lot of people is dreaded— but before we lose you, hear us out.

First, let’s break down why it is important to follow up with your prospect in the first place…

In 2016, the Harvard Business Review conducted a study on the best practices for lead response management and the results were impactful.

The study says if you are not following up with a prospect within 5 minutes of them showing interest, then there is a 10x decrease in contact and qualification rates.

Let me say that again for the people in the back.

If you’re not following up with a prospect within 5 minutes, then there is a 10x decrease in contact and qualification rates.

Not only that, but you should be following up with a  prospect at least 6 times.

The data is there.

The more you follow up and the faster you follow up, the more you will increase booking and the more you will increase sales.

Okay, so now you understand follow-up is essential but still don’t want to do it…
Well, I am happy to announce you don’t have to.

Grow Pro can.

We offer a Concierge Agent Service that handles all follow-ups for booking.

Struggling to follow up with leads in a timely fashion?
Giving up on leads because you don’t have enough time to follow up with them multiple times?
Or don’t want to follow up but don’t want to miss out on this Essential part of your business?

We got your back.

Try the Concierge Agent Program today!

Book your Concierge Discovery Call to learn more information! 

Relate, Listen, and Problem Solve

For the single parent who needs help setting their child up for success, you help them by teaching discipline, respect, and confidence through martial arts.
For the child struggling to focus in class, you are teaching them focus  and active listening through moves and sets.
For the kid dealing with debilitating bullying and the family looking for support, you are giving them a happy and safe community of like-minded individuals.
You are not just selling martial arts.
You are solving problems.
You are building people up.
You are strengthening your community.
So when you are selling- remember to listen and relate.
Understand your prospects’ struggles and wants.
And help them find a solution and change their lives through martial arts.
Increase Sales Increase Impact
Increase Sales Increase Impact

Assume the Sale

As Martial Artists, we know that confidence goes a long way.

Imagine someone stepping on the mat to compete, thinking they’re going to lose.
It does not matter how long you have trained or what your skill level is- you will lose.

It is the same principle to increase your sales.

The assumptive selling technique, also known as a presumptive close, takes place when a salesperson intentionally assumes that the customer has already said yes to the sale.

This might sound awkward at first but actually comes across as confident, intentional, and professional.
If you related, listened, and problem-solved, then there is nothing but payment left to discuss.

When you talk to a prospect, you need to go into it thinking you are going to change their lives with martial arts.

By the end of the sale, you should be taking payment information.

Any easy phrase for this is “give me your credit card and I’ll get you all signed up today.”

Don’t be afraid to assume the sale.


Years of getting the sales  training, reading, and- well- selling and  we broke down in a blog.

Pretty good, right?

So we broke down how the way to increase sales are:

  • Build the Right Offer to get them in your door
  • Your Fortune in the Follow-up
  • Relate, Listen, and Problem Solve
  • Assume the sale


Easy right?!

So, go out, increase sales, and crush your goals!

Grow Pro

Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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