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Growth Mindset: The Investment that Pays the Best Interest

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Everyone has an awesome superpower that allows them to accomplish anything.

And it is a superpower that allows for freedom and perseverance.

Spoiler alert: unfortunately it’s not telekinesis.

It is called the Growth Mindset.

According to psychologist Carol Dweck, Growth Mindset is the way an individual perceives their environment when they aren’t limited by insecurity in the face of challenges.

The Growth mindset is what challenges us to improve ourselves.

You’ve experienced this mindset from the moment you stepped foot in a dojo. Every time we fell down, we got back up and tried again, that was our Growth Mindset kicking into full gear.

Do you use the call and response: We don’t give up…we turn up?!

That’s Growth Mindset.

So why is it so important?

Growth Mindset v.s. Fixed Mindset
How thoughts inspired by success, ways to challenge the self, and freedom versus thoughts threatened by other success, ways to avoid stepping out of the comfort-zone, and limiting beliefs make a HUGE difference.

When teaching students, the Growth Mindset is vital. Studies show that when you emphasize and foster a growth mindset students are more likely to learn and retain the information taught.

This means as a coach you should avoid praising intelligence by instead praising planning and trying new approaches. As an example, if Jenny is nailing her kicks, don’t say “You’re so talented.” Instead say: “Awesome work! All of the practice you have put in has really paid off. Keep at it!”

You can also foster growth mindset by explaining the purpose of what you are teaching.

This means explaining that the same exact skills that are used in martial arts are applicable in a classroom setting, at home, and in everyday life. Yes, we are teaching martial arts, but we are also teaching life skills.

Do you remember the Pythagorean Theorem? If not, it’s probably because most of us have no practical use for it once we complete primary education. The more real-world connections you can make to any skill, the more importance and relevance it holds – and in the process you’re also activating The Growth Mindset.

How many truly brilliant people have you met or know of that have mastered a particular skill? How many of those people are continually seeking to learn more and refine their skills further? The overlap is virtually identical!

Once you think you have nothing left to learn, no more room left for improvement – you’ve lost. What a joyless existence! We are so fortunate for the ease of access to a wealth of information. We should be taking advantage of the resources available to us. Advice from the ones before us, who tackled and overcame the same difficulties we are facing.

Make a list of the things that bring you closer to the type of person you want to be. Once you’ve finished with your list, ask yourself: Am I making these things a priority?

If you answered “yes” – I’m sure the benefits are already reflected in various areas of your life. If you answered no – you now have a list that acts as a good jumping-off point. You can start with one small thing today, whether it’s reading 20 pages from an educational book each day, listening to a personal development podcast during your commute, or taking a class/training that is relevant to your goals.

Remember to remain consistent!

Even the smallest efforts are helping to build that momentum that will help catapult you to success. Find an accountability partner that you meet/phone with at regular intervals that can help you dissect any areas you’re struggling with and celebrate your wins.

Investing in your personal growth has benefits that reach beyond any single aspect of your life. For example, let’s say you decide to recommit to a healthy lifestyle. You start by exercising for 30 mins twice a week – if you remain consistent you’ll find that your stamina will improve and you’ll start to see and feel results. Seeing your progress will have a positive effect on your confidence. The spike in your confidence levels will in turn improve your interpersonal relationships – suddenly you’re meeting and forming connections with new people – and this goes on and on.

What are you dong to maintain your Growth Mindset?
Are you embracing Imperfections? Are you Focusing on Growth or Speed? Are you scheduling Goals? Comment below what you are doing.

We are teaching confidence. We are teaching focus. We are teaching perseverance.

With the right mindset, failures are transformed into opportunities for bigger and better things – for GROWTH. Rather than a chore, we should view it as life-long journey of expanding the boundaries of what we’re capable of. The pursuit of personal excellence (we should only be comparing our progress against past versions of ourselves) is a privilege you can use as a means to empower yourself and others around you – your clients, staff and community.

That is the very essence of Growth Mindset and it can seriously impact your students’ lives.

The next big reason why The Growth Mindset is so important to have in your repertoire is for your school.

We are constantly looking for new students and ways to expand our Martial Arts Schools. In order to do so, we must challenge ourselves to grow. And now more than ever, we must grow as business owners in order for our schools and personal lives to thrive.

That is why the Growth Professionals are here for you.

Grow Pro Agency Team 2021
That’s us!

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Not seeing the growth you want from doing your ads in house? Grow Pro Agency offers a wide range of digital marketing services at competitive rates. Google and Facebook Ads, Social Media Management, Database Reactivation, step-by-step Video Marketing, FREE Webinars and more! Consider us your partners in marketing!

For more on growing your business, visit our website and schedule your FREE Marketing Audit; then, join the community of Martial Arts Entrepreneurs on Facebook.

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Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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