As business owners, we are always looking to increase productivity and make our business better.
Confucius had a very powerful quote. “People are very similar, what separates them is their habits”.
The “do it all” mentality is mentally and physically draining and prevents you from getting more done. A study from Stanford University shows that multi-taskers performed much worse than their low-tasking counterparts.
So, when it comes to running a business, entrepreneurs have discovered that they can achieve more by doing much less. (Hint Hint – OUTSOURCE). This is a good reason to figure out what your time is worth.
Outsourcing tasks that prevent you from keeping your full attention on your growing business will highly increase your productivity throughout the day. That way these items are not being put on the back burner and keeping your stress levels low. Outsourcing aside for this blog, here are a few tips to boost productivity:
Stop multi-tasking. When pulled in 1,000 directions at once, its hard to keep you full undivided attention and the quality of your work will suffer. Instead of trying to “make time” and “manage time”, use this time to plan and create a strategy for your business. So, prioritize, make a list and work through it one by one.
Turn off push notifications. They are downright distracting! When “managing time” carve out 30 minutes to go through all your notifications at once, rather than allowing them to interrupt you throughout the day.
Don’t put things off. When “managing your time” prioritize some of the items that you like to put to the side. Keeping these small things off your mind will keep stress at bay and your productivity high.
Think of it like martial arts for the workplace. If you set goals, are disciplined and have a passion your productivity levels will soar!