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5 Life-changing Books for Martial Arts School Owners

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As martial artists, we know and learn a lot of things: How to defend and attack,  what respect really means, and the discipline that can only be built up with years of martial arts…
But how to run a school? The details may get blurry.
Luckily, we all know in order to reach success, we must stand on the shoulders of giants.
To grow, we learn from the people who came before us.
Hundreds of books later, we got you.
We have narrowed our top picks to 5 life-changing Books every Martial Arts School Owner should read.
So let’s get started!

1. Traction

Coming in hot, our first pick is Traction by Gino Wickman.

And this book is exactly that: Traction for your business.

A great book for martial artists looking to start a school AND for those who already have one- this read breaks down EOS (or Entrepreneurial Operating System).

Out of all of our books for martial arts school owners, this one definitely covers the most ground. In fact, it covers so many topics, Gino Wickman has also written  What the Heck is EOS? and Get a Grip (among other books) to cover everything in depth.

Hitting the ceiling? Wickman covers it.

Meeting Efficiency issues? Traction has your solution.

Need help with accountability amongst your schools employees? It’s in there.

Want to hit quarterly goals as a team but can’t seem to do it? This book is for you.

Want to define your vision, core values, and mission statement? Just read the book already!

Traction is not only a book that helps you turn your passion into a well-organized machine, but it also allows you to work on your Martial Arts School instead of in it.

We all opened our schools because we love martial arts- not to because we wanted to be business owners.

Traction is an easy way to step into the business owner role you deserve to grow your school and impact more lives.

2. The Best Known Dojo

Okay, you have set up your school like a proper business with Traction, now what?
You market it.
And that’s where our second pick of books for martial arts school owners comes into play.
The Best Known Dojo is not only a phenomenal marketing book, but it is one specifically designed for school owners by a school owner.

“Best known beats best” and Cris Rodriguez knows that.

School owner of Gracie PAC MMA, the Martial Arts Industry Association’s Digital Marketing Consultant, Founder and Owner of Grow Pro Agency, and Digital Marketer for the U.S. Open Karate- Cris is the expert in Marketing Martial Arts.

In her book, she notes that it’s not enough to be really good at what you do.

You have to make sure that other people know you exist and that you can help them.

Her book gives martial arts school owners the strategies and techniques needed to become the best-known dojo in their local community.

Even if you think you are the best – if no one knows who you are – it doesn’t matter.

If you want to change more lives through the martial arts – then you’ve got to get more eyes on your school.

And The Best Known Dojo does just that.

Looking for a FREE copy?

We got you. Check it out here.

3.$100M Offers

A huge part of Marketing AND Sales is your offer. (We know- We’ve written a blog on it)
This is why next on our list of books for martial arts school owners is Alex Hormozi’s $100M Offers.
This book is not only a good read in general, but it breaks down the secret to sales…
Make an offer that is so good- people would feel stupid for saying no.
Hormozi breaks down the 3 goals behind your business and how to stick out in a saturated business market…
All the while, he teaches the ultimate breakdown of human psychology and what makes us buy.

In this book, Alex Hormozi appreciates your time– and it shows.

This book is fast, easy to understand, and provides a different level of value.

As a school owner, this will teach you

  • What your worth truly is
  • How to charge what you are worth confidently
  • And (most importantly) how to get people to buy

One of the best parts about $100M Offers is that you can get it for only ¢99 (Kindle).

Spending only ¢99 for the value this book provides is CRAZY.

Still not sure if you want it on your list?

The video above will give you a taste, for FREE, of what Hormozi and this book is all about.

The book is so good- you may even feel stupid saying no to reading it.

4.The Compound Effect

Small Smart choices done consistently over time yield drastic results.

It seems like an easy concept. But then why on do so many people choose the “bad choice” over and over again?

Well, we think The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy is the right choice when it comes to books for Martial Arts School Owners.

The Compound Effect gives you tools to break the “bad choice” cycle.

Especially after you have read Traction and have determined your vision, this book will help you build the mindset you need to reach your goals.

The Compound Effect makes you aware of all the small seemingly inconsequential decisions you make daily that actually make huge change.

As a Martial Arts School Owner, we can get caught up in juggling classes, staffing, marketing, sales, and-… the list goes on and on.

As humans, we overestimate what we can do in a week but vastly underestimate  how much we can complete in a month- or even a year.

This book will help you make progress toward your goals every single day with small steps.

How conscious are you being in your day-to-day?

With this book and mindset shift, you can remember what the impact of your choices have and how they lead to your future.

Will you reach your vision? Will you stay stagnant? Or will you fall into old bad habits?

With this book, we hope you’ll be equipped to hit your goals, live your vision, and surpass your dreams.

5. Buy Back Your Time

Time is the great equalizer.
Doesn’t matter your age, skin color, or how much money you have in the bank…

We all only get 24 hours in the day.

Which is why Dan Martell’s Buy Back Your Time is our final pick for our list of life-changing books for Martial Arts School Owners.

A lot of martial arts school owners are wearing every hat in their school, so leveraging and optimizing your time can be a game changer.

Buy Back Your Time‘s author, Dan Martell,  built and exited 3 venture-backed software companies, is an award-winning tech angel investor, and actively mentors over 500+ of the world’s top silicon valley founders, teaching them how to buy back their time and scale their companies incredibly fast.

He has become an expert in optimizing his time.

The key is to learn how to build a business you don’t grow to hate.

We loved this book so much that we invited Dan Martell to host a Workshop with our CEO and Founder, Cris Rodriguez.

5 Life-changing Books for Martial Arts School Owners- Cris Rodriguez, CEO and founder of Grow Pro stands with a Pile of Buy Back Your Time Books

 During this action-packed workshop with Dan you’ll learn:

  • How to calculate the value of your time that MAPS to the size of your dream business
  • Outsource your email processing using the Inbox Handler™ without losing control
  • Delegate ANY work with ease using the Camcorder Method™
  • The right order to hire using the Replacement Ladder™ to build a self-managing company
  • How to use the Next Hire Focuser™ to find your next team member
If you are interested, consider learning more here:


Running a Martial Arts school can be challenging.
But with these 5 life-changing books for Martial Arts School Owners, we think it will make it easier to manage, grow, and scale all while having the time and freedom to focus on what you love: Martial Arts!
At Grow Pro agency, we are always trying to make sure you have as much of your time and freedom at your disposal. That’s why, as we mentioned before, we are super pumped to announce that we will be hosting a Workshop with Dan Martell on February 23rd from 12 PM EST – 1:30 PM EST for our Industry.
 And Registration is now open!
We know as Entrepreneurs that growing our business requires us to “Let go”, but how do we do it without feeling like others will drop the ball?
That’s where The Buyback Principle™ comes into play.


Our zoom room maxes out at 500 people – so that will be the cap.

This is a 90-minute Workshop – so please block off 90 minutes on your calendar.
Learn how to Buy Back Your Time with actionable strategies you can implement immediately.
Grow Pro

Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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