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Age Specific Marketing for Martial Arts

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The Secret to Attracting More Students

We’re a digital marketing company that helps people who own martial arts schools. We know how important it is that your marketing efforts speak to the people you want to reach.

One way to do that is with age-specific marketing. When you tailor your message to address the unique preferences of different age groups, you can increase your chances of attracting and retaining more students.

Want a plan for using age-specific marketing to make your martial arts school grow?

Then you’ve come to the right blog! Keep reading if you want the age specific marketing playbook. You’ll learn the motivations and challenges of different age groups.

This will help you to create engaging content across various marketing channels. We’ll cover everything you need to know to grow your school and stand out from the competition.

Our aim is to help you get real results with practical tips and advice. Want to know the secret to getting more students to join your martial arts school? Then, let’s dive into the age specific marketing strategies that will have your mats and calendar packed.

What is Age Specific Marketing?

It’s when you make marketing campaigns and messages that match the specific needs and likes of different age groups.

People of different ages have different concerns, goals, and ways of thinking.  They need different kinds of content to grab their attention.

That’s where age specific marketing becomes very impactful.

Let’s start with an example to illustrate this point. You want more kids to sign up for your classes?

Children may respond well to colorful graphics and playful language. Teenagers may prefer a more aspirational tone and images that reflect their desire to improve their social status.

Adults may be more interested in the physical and mental health benefits of martial arts. You might also consider highlighting the convenience of class times and locations.

Benefits of Age Specific Marketing

Age specific marketing can help martial arts school owners reach more of their audience. You must start with a deep understanding of the different age groups. This means their motivations, and pain points. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Try different types of content and marketing channels. This will help you to see what resonates with each group.

Using these strategies can help increase lead count, conversions, and student enrollments. Also, it’ll help to improve your return on investment (ROI) for your marketing efforts.
Ultimately, age specific marketing is an important tool for any martial arts school owner who wants to take their business to the next level.

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Now, let’s talk about the three main age groups: Children, Teens, and Adults. Next, let’s unpack:

  • what these age groups value
  • which social platforms they most frequently engage with
  • and what your content should highlight to appeal to them

Little Ninjas

Age Group: Children (ages 4 – 12)

Motivators: Entertainment

Frequently Used Platforms: Youtube, TikTok, Facebook (targetting parents)

Content Tone: Informal, Example – “Hey [AREA] parents, looking for a fun way to keep your child active after school?”

To create content that kids find entertaining, it’s important to understand what appeals to this age group
. Kids are motivated by fun and excitement. This means it’s important to create content that is both engaging and enjoyable to watch. When it comes to platforms, YouTube and TikTok are popular among children. For this reason, focusing on video content with bright colors and playful messaging is key.

The good thing about video content is that you can repurpose it in many different ways! Work smarter, not harder – find out how here

Storytelling is an effective way to make entertaining content for kids. You can use it to create exciting videos that keep them interested.
Try creating a fun and adventurous storyline where kids can imagine themselves as the main character. You can do this with animations or live-action videos.

A Younger Audience

Another way to make your content more fun is to add games and challenges for kids to play while watching the video. Martial arts challenges where kids try a specific move or technique are a way to leverage trends and drive engagement.

Summer is almost here! Are you running a summer camp at your martial arts school? Check out our blog on creative marketing strategies for martial arts schools this summer:

In order to target kids, you have to get their parents on board. It’s important to use platforms that parents frequent as they are the ones who will be signing up their children for martial arts classes.  Safety is a top concern for parents when it comes to enrolling their kids in martial arts. That’s why using Mommy / Parent Facebook groups can be a great way to reach parents and show them how your academy prioritizes the safety of each child.

To effectively target children with age specific marketing, it’s important to use a fun and engaging tone. Don’t forget to highlight the safety and inclusivity of your martial arts program. We recommend that you emphasize the benefits that martial arts classes can offer children, such as

  • improved physical fitness
  • confidence
  • discipline
  • and focus


By creating content that is both fun and safe, you can appeal to both children and their parents. This can help you increase enrollment and grow your martial arts school.

Teenage (Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Age Group: Teens (ages 13 – 18)

Motivators: Trends + Sense of Belonging  

Frequently Used Platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Twitch

Content Tone: Laid back, authentic, relatable, Example – “Struggling to find a place you fit in at school? Whether you’re looking to make new friends, learn self-defense or join a supportive community – you can find it here at (ACADEMY).”

You can’t use the same marketing tactics with teens.  To reach teens, you have to tap into their motivators, such as
trends and a sense of belonging. You can leverage the fact that this age group is often interested in the latest trends and being part of a community that shares their interests. Use social media platforms that are popular among teenagers, such as TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch, to reach this audience.

Create content that speaks to their interests and concerns, such as struggling to find a place to fit in at school or dealing with bullying
. There are many benefits to training in martial arts. Content that educates teens about these benefits can really drive engagement. Not only can it provide a sense of community and belonging, but you can also learn self-defense while improving physical fitness.

How to Grab A Teens Attention

Age specific content for teens should be laid back, authentic, and relatable. Leverage these strategies and you can create content that resonates with teens. When your message resonates with your audience, they’re more likely to perform your call to action.

Additionally, humor can be a powerful tool when targeting teens. Teenagers appreciate content that makes them laugh and can relate to their experiences. However, it’s important to use humor in a tasteful and appropriate way. You want to avoid coming across as offensive or insensitive.

Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch are popular among teens. Therefore, you’re going to want to create video content that is authentic and appeals to their sense of identity.

You can leverage TikTok to create challenges. This is also a good method to increase brand awareness. Another good strategy to capture the attention of teens,  is creating some behind-the-scenes-style video content. This will appeal to their preference for authenticity.

Community is one of the greatest sales points you can drive home when targeting teens with age specific marketing. Teenagers are influenced by their friends, so promoting a sense of belonging and shared goals can be helpful. Martial arts schools can make content that shows the teamwork and friendship that comes with it. Your content should showcase the ways that martial arts can help provide them with a community of close-knit peers.


Age Group: Teens (ages 18+)

Health/Wellness, Convenience, Stress management, trust

Frequently Used Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin

Content Tone: Informative, professional, helpful. Example –
“Did you know that health professionals recommend 30 mins of physical activity per day? If you work in an office setting and are struggling to find time for your health (SCHOOL NAME) has a wide range of class times to fit your busy schedule.”

Adults are an age group that is typically looking for solutions to their problems.  They are looking for ways to improve their lives. Age specific marketing for adults should focus on providing value. Find ways to be relevant to their interests and concerns.

It’s important to use a tone that is respectful and empathetic. Acknowledge the challenges that adults face and offer practical advice and guidance. Content should be well-researched and presented in a clear, concise manner. Avoid overly technical jargon or complex language.

Emphasize the physical and mental benefits of practicing martial arts, such as:

  • stress relief
  • physical fitness
  • increased quality of life
  • and longevity

Targeting Adults

Adults are looking for products/services that can add value to their lives. Don’t underestimate the value of building trust with an adult audience. Once trust is established, they are known to be a great source for referrals. Learn how you can create a referral program to retain and attract members.:

By addressing their concerns and offering practical advice, martial arts schools can attract new students. This will also help to build a loyal following among adult practitioners. Blogs, articles, and educational content are a few ways to attract adult members. These resources provide valuable information that addresses their concerns and interests.

For example, a blog post could provide tips on how to fit martial arts training into a busy schedule. An article could explore the physical and mental benefits of regular martial arts practice. How-to videos and infographics can also be effective in providing information that is easy to understand and apply. 

It’s important to highlight the flexibility and accessibility of martial arts training. This could include offering online classes. Another strategy is to provide training programs that are tailored to individual clients’ needs.

As a martial arts school owner, you’re probably wearing multiple hats in your business. You, like many parents, value your time – and for this reason, convenience can be a great motivator. Recently, Cris hosted a workshop with Dan Martell – Author of Buy Back Your Time.

A Little Trust Goes A Long Way

He shares his systems and strategies for making the most of your time, when it can often seem like there isn’t enough. You can purchase a copy of the book HERE

If you are looking for a way to gain back some of your time, let’s hop on a call to see what marketing we can take off your plate!

Schedule your call with Tony here today!

When catering to an adult audience, martial arts schools should aim to build trust.
You can do this by highlighting your experience and expertise or showcasing testimonials from satisfied students.  Providing transparent information on pricing and class schedules can go a long way. Educational content can also be used to establish the credibility of the school and its instructors

Check out our Grow Pro client testimonials:

By creating quality content that speaks to the values of convenience, longevity, and trust, martial arts schools can attract adult members


Understanding the unique motivators, communication channels, and content preferences of each age group can help tailor marketing strategies that resonate with them.

Whether it’s creating entertaining video content for kids, fostering a sense of community for teens, or emphasizing convenience and building trust with adults through blogs and infographics, martial arts school owners can leverage age-specific marketing to reach their target audience. By implementing these strategies and adapting to changes in the marketing landscape, martial arts schools can build a loyal student base that lasts for years to come.

Grow Pro

Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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