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How to Influence with Social Media Marketing in 2023

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As we move into 2023, social media marketing is going to become more and more important. 

From the rise of micro-influencers to new AI innovations, it’s clear.

Staying ahead of trends is key.

Technological advancements and changes in consumer behavior have kept marketers on their toes

The goal is to not get left behind and start implementing strategies to stay ahead of the competition beginning with TikTok.

TikTok has certainly impacted the social media landscape. So much so that it has driven other platforms to change their algorithms and even steal features to stay competitive. (We are looking at you, Reels and Shorts).


Here is an example of filming a potential TikTok video.

Where does their success come from?

Focusing on short highly engaging video content and their algorithm.

And the success was loud.

To the point where Instagram and Facebook had to listen.

More features that allow users to create and share similar types of content popped up…

Introducing Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts.

Goodbye to lengthy openings. Hello to authentic, engaging videos that get to the point…fast.

Marketing in 2023 is about creating that captures attention and earns trust.

Therefore, to secure the attention of your target audience, it comes down to the video’s entertainment value.

Here are the Top 3 Ways to Level Up your Social Media Marketing in 2023.

1. Tell a story that represents your brand

When Marketing in 2023, you NEED to differentiate yourself from the competition.

An easy way to do that is by telling a compelling story.

Reflect on your brand’s unique personality and values.

For example, you can ask yourself:

What makes your business unique? What type of problems do you solve? What makes you different than the business down the street? Why should someone care about you, your team, and your business? What is your impact on your community?

Then use your answers to these questions to build a strong connection with your audience.

Don’t just post any old video take the time to craft a story that resonates with your audience.

Give your audience value.

If you’re a school owner still asking “how?”, check out our blog with +20 ideas to start. 

20+ Video Ideas for Martial Arts School Owners

Let’s break down 20+ easy Martial Arts Video Ideas that you can film with your phone to level up your marketing.

2. Make space for positivity​

Want to make your TikTok followers laugh and feel happy?

Incorporate humor into your videos. It is a great way to connect with your audience and tell memorable stories.

With new audio trends, you can tap into what users find funny. Do a little research on what others are doing and bring some pieces of you and your school into your content.

Don’t be afraid to inject a little humor into your TikTok Strategy.

It might be the key to reaching and engaging with your audience.

3. Building an Ideal community

Creating one-size-fits-all content doesn’t work anymore. Change your strategy to attract your specific ideal student.

TikTok communities are helping users connect with like-minded people and explore their passions.

It’s not just a social media platform, it’s a place to inspire and be inspired to make changes in our lives.

Establish a strong connection with your followers and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Remember to reflect on how unique your business is and what value you can bring to your audience.

Get ready to embrace the power of word-of-mouth marketing!

Influencer marketing has become an essential part of many marketing campaigns.

Especially with micro-influencers.

It’s predicted brands will drive awareness and increase sales with micro-influencers.

What is a Micro-Influencer?

A micro-influencer is a social media user with a small but highly engaged following.
They usually specialize in a particular niche. This enables the micro-influencer to promote products/services to followers using their interests.

Growing your business by leveraging them can be the next big play of marketing in 2023.

  • Collaborate with relevant influencers in the industry:
    The influencers you’re looking for are notable martial art practitioners in your fight style. So think of fighters, established black belts, and athletes.
  • Encourage your current students to leave reviews for your martial arts academy.
    This gives potential clients an opportunity to see the culture of your academy. Think of this like traditional word-of-mouth- but way better.
  • Utilize social media to showcase the school’s instructors and classes.
    Share videos and photos of classes in action. It will highlight the expertise and passion of the instructors. At the same time, this can help to build a loyal following and attract new customers.

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we do digital marketing. 

AI is helping us better understand and connect with our audience- as we’ve never seen before.

AI has changed the future of digital marketing through:

  • Social Media Management:
    AI has the capability to automate tasks. Build posts, identify trending topics, and respond to customer inquiries.
  • Targeted Advertising:
    AI can analyze customer data. This helps when you are trying to identify the most effective to target the right audience.
  • Lead Generation:
    AI can identify customers who are likely to be interested in a business’s products or services. This means easier ways to target qualified leads.

As AI advances, we can expect to see even more tools to make digital marketing easier and more accessible.

Social Media Marketing in 2023 will continue to focus on short engaging video content.

Standing out will only continue to become more and more important.

To increase brand awareness and drive online sales, consider leveraging AI and micro-influencers.
If you want your school to succeed, you will have to stay ahead of trends.
That’s why at Grow Pro Agency, it is a core value of ours to stay at the forefront of trends.
If you are interested in a deep dive into what your business is doing great and what you could improve on, consider our FREE Marketing Audit.

Book today and we will hop on to break down how to level up your marketing in 2023.

Grow Pro

Grow Pro

Grow Pro Agency is a Digital Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Academies & Fitness Gyms. We offer Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Done for You Daily Social Media Postings. We provide immediate, unmatched personal attention to our client's individual needs and stay at the forefront of evolving trends in the digital marketing world. Let us help you drive more traffic to your business so you can sign up more people and impact your community.

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